April 21, 2020

Now cooking : Curry Goat with Potaoes

Being stuck indoors has given me time to play around in the kitchen more than I typically do as I spend a lot of my days travelling for work

In an effort to take a break from all things chicken related, I decided to make some curry goat.

There are a million curry recipes online and to be honest you can also substitute with whatever you have at home without needing to make new purchases. However, I think the main ingredients you need to have in order for your dish to be called curry goat is exactly that....CURRY SPICE + GOAT MEAT.

Everything else is a matter of palate preference.

Also at the beginning, I was going to boil my potatoes separately as my side dish instead of rice, but last minute I decided to just throw it into the curry sauce and call it a day. And so yeah, this is the end result. You can have it as is, or sometimes I just grab the sauce part without the potatoes and pour it over some rice.

If you still want me to provide a recipe, send me an email and I can do so for you.

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