December 16, 2019

Blogmas 2019 : Day 15 Baby it's cold outside

After 7 years in Boston, this child of the African Sun has still not  acclimatized to the weather.

 And quite frankly, I don't want to.

I don't like cold weather but I LOVE sleeping in on a nice rainy/snowy day.

How do people stay productive in this climate? All I ever want to do is cozy up with some cafe, endless desserts, and some good books to read.

 I'm currently reading the genesis - part I (In a pit with a Lion on a snowy Day) of a book (Chase the Lion) I just finished reading. It fell into my hands as a happy surprise at a holiday party. You may call it a coincidence, I call it a divine manifestation of speaking out my desire to read this book after finishing it's sequel.

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