November 27, 2019

Surviving the Holidays - My Holiday Traditions

With holidays, come the unveiling of holiday family traditions that I admire in  my friends who come from such families but am also left feeling a little envious. Those traditions range from ...everyone travelling from wherever they are to grandpa's lake house, or everyone wearing a onesie(i know it sounds silly) and etc

'Presently, after all the mind work I've done over the years to crush my spirit of comparison, the only thing that holidays leave me longing for, is a spouse and a family of my own. Until that happens, I have spent the last couple of years creating holiday traditions with my friends instead of waiting for my "future" family to start them.

Disconnecting from social media especially during the holidays helps me to deal with those feelings when people are sharing and revealing their gifts be it an engagement ring, a new car, or a pregnancy announcement. I've learnt to celebrate others, especially those who have hit life milestones am still patiently waiting for. However, it is OK to unplug momentary from  platforms
 that constantly brings those desires to the fore front of your mind.

Travel, especially travelling AWAY from the United States, helps me deal with holiday blues. The amount of marketing endorsing shopping during the holidays is overwhelming. If you can't take an international trip, consider taking a local one, away from the noise, perhaps to a cabin, a beach front property, disconnected from technology with a group of friends who also have no plans for the holiday. 

Or better yet, plan the holiday party you will like to be invited to. Become a host and let your home be a haven for your friends, who like you might feel misplaced over the holidays. 
Another thing I've done, since I enjoy travelling, is visiting my other single friends who live in other states and we spend the holidays together. The companionship works both ways.

Lastly, Do no not make emotional based purchases. Resist the temptation to spend money you don't have pleasing people who will not be your friends in 2020!
The best present you can give anyone is the gift of your TIME.
Your time is A PRICELESS commodity.
Custome -made
One of a kind.
So instead of a giving a present that will be forgotten before the year ends, a present that will end up with the rest of the collectibles in the garage /basement/closest....
Give the gift of your TIME.

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