October 16, 2019

Climbing Mount Washington

5 brave friends and I took on the challenge of hiking Mount Washington. For all the prep work that I thought I did , I was still highly unprepared to hike this summit.

Part of it was my fault
-  Staying up all night, the evening before the hike***
( story for another day about my 1st ever prayer all night Vigil...hello Jubilee church!)
- general out-of-shapeness #unfit
- hiking in sneakers instead of hiking boots

Our journey didn't start at the foot of the mountain but instead began in Massachusetts. We carpooled and drove for about 3 hours to the Ammonosooc trail, which was our chosen trail for the hike. 

Because of different logistical reasons related to the carpool we got to the trail around 11am instead of the advised 7am. Once in the parking lot, the park guide suggested we take the Jewel Trail as that will take us up the mountain quicker and down before the sun sets!
He clearly didn't want to be responsible for sending a search party for us after dark lol.

It was such a tough but beautiful trail with many picturesque and gorgeous views. I will like to do this trail again alone, because I do like to hike solo and get lost in my thoughts 

As much as I almost died in the trail, I will do this hike again 
( with better preparation and a full night of rest the evening before the hike.

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