September 21, 2019

Taking Stock : Summer 2019

Hi friends! 

I know it's been a while since my last blog post at the beginning of August. It's been difficult finding the inspiration to consistently blog especially when Instagram makes it so much easier to share content just with a click of a button.

If you are not following me on Instagram & will love to keep up with me, my Instagram handle is @StaywellMA 

The other reason for the lack of posts is my desire to be more present in the spaces that I visit. I have a big move coming up, and it has made it even more so important for me to be fully emerged in the times I'm spending with friends and family. I want those memories to be fully ingrained in my mind and heart even as I also want to capture the moments.

So what have I been up to since August?

Currently Reading : The radical pursuit of Rest: Escaping the productivity trap.

Brunching after Church: I knew brunching after church was a thing, pastors make fun of it in their sermons sometimes, but I never really participated? But recently it seems every Sunday am being invited to a sister circle brunch after church or a cook out and I am looooooving it. 

Traveling: Upstate New York for a wedding and then back to New York on a later time for the US OPEN tennis finals week. At this point I think I should stop considering New York as a "travel" destination and to just say going next door for a quick weekend gateway

Celebrating milestone birthdays and weddings

Going on long walks : while listening to podcasts.
I don't remember if I have ever shared my podcast list but it hasn't changed since the beginning of the  year. I only listen to 6 podcasts. I'll do a blog post sharing the list soon.
I have also been listening to a Senegalese podcast, Alors on dit quoi  just to get a pulse of whats going on in the country.

That's basically what I've been up to in a nutshell. What have YOU been up to? And is anyone looking forward to Fall? I love sweater weather but I can do without the pumpkin spice craze.

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