September 23, 2019

Poets In Autumn 2019 : Rhode Islands

I attended the Poets in Autumn spoken words tour in Rhode island with some friends over the weekend. We choose the Providence, Rhode Island venue ( Bishop McVinney Auditorium) instead of their Boston show because Ms Jackie Hill Perry was not going to be part of the Boston Show.

First off...It was such an amazing! show. Most of us are still going to see the show when they come to Boston for an Encore! That's how good their collective performance was. I loved every aspect and every act that was performed.

The only hiccup of the night for me was Janette's 1st performance. I didn't get it. I thought the lights and noise where a distraction from her lyrics. I could barely hear her or remain focus on her in the midst of all the theatricals. Other than that, I don't really know how to explain the experience. 

It's one of those things : 

"The purpose of Poets in Autumn is to present the Gospel in a creative and compelling way using the arts. With a focus on engaging millennials with a message of hope, The PIA Tour addresses culturally relevant topics from a biblical view"

As much as I love spoken words, I have only ever visited lounges and small venues for the experience. This was my first time going to a big auditorium and I was worried that the intimacy of the setting will be lost with the size of the crowd but that did not happen.

Even though I had seen some of the artists works online, to see them live, on stage, their talent in real time, with no editing and etc (the stuff that seems to pollute online craftsmanship) was refreshing and very inspiring.

The artists included Ezekiel, Chris Webb, Janette...IKZ, Joseph Solomon, Preston & Jackie Perry.

Even if you've never been to a spoken word event, I think you'll still enjoy this show. It's very uplifting, positive and affirming with something for everyone whether you are a believer or not.

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