August 3, 2019

In a New York Minute : One World Observatory

Every time the topic of New York and the bombing of the world trade center comes up, it takes me back to when I first moved to America. I came with my brothers , post September 11 , in the middle of all that chaos, travelling alone as unaccompanied minors, ten days after the terrorist attacks.

There was so much tension and chaos everywhere.
That is what I remember every time I come to New York and see the One World Observatory and other memorials in honor of all the victims of the attack. Even if am just walking by on my way to work, I still get the flash backs to those days right after the attacks.

My family back in Africa was obviously very scared to be shipping us to a country that had just been recently attacked. There was talks about us not travelling at all because it wasn't safe but am thankful we found the courage to stick to the original plans and just come.

The One world observatory does an amazing job of honoring the victims of the attacks while reminding everyone of the Resilient spirit of the people of New York; one of the most diverse cities in the world. You also get to here from the several workers who played different roles in building this memorial. I had goose bumps listening to their stories

If you get an opportunity to visit I definitely recommend going to the one world observatory. It is quiet the experience from the lobby down stairs, to the elevator ride up (You're in for a surprise on the ride up and down ) , and the presentations that happen in the observatory. 

And of course the amazing skyline view of the city of New York. A city that every time I visit , I leave feeling inspired. You can feel the pulse of the city when you're here. Even if you are not by nature a hustler....the need to become a hustler just rises out of you! You feel like you can achieve all your dreams! in this city.

So go visit, pay your respects and leave inspired :)

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