July 6, 2019

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book Review

Form: Book & CD Audio

So I read parts of the book and also listened to the cd audio version in part due to some long driving commutes I've had for work this month.

I think my audio cd (13 cds in total) was the original audio copy narrated by the author himself Stephen Covey.

Keeping in mind that the first publication of this book was in 1989, I have to say that this books seems to be the grandfather of self help books.

The 7 habits explored are concepts that I have seen other 
more modern self -help authors explore deeply on an individual basis. By that I mean, there is a plethora of self help books today, each one, picking one of the 7 habits and  deep diving into it.

For me the 7 Habits where like gentle reminders. Am not sure if it's because I have already read other more recent books on the subject matter? They are all things we already know we need to do, but we need to be reminded why it's important to implement them.

The Habit sections I learned the most from was habit #4 Think win- win and #5 Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Am not sure if I will be reading the next book in the series: 
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness.
I felt like everything that needed to be said, was said in this book.
It's like when a movie decided to have a sequel when the original can stand on its own right without turning it into a sequel. Sometimes its more of a marketing and business move due to the popularity of a product more so than the fact is it is necessary.

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