April 26, 2019

Book Review: The Vanishing Act by Mette Jakobsen

It was a simple read like the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I just didn't see or understand or have a revelations of any "deep" philosophical ideas in the book as some of the reviews suggested.

Maybe I have to go back and reread it?

Basically what I got out of it was that a young girl was in denial about her mother's passing. It doesn't say if she died by accident or if she was so depressed about being stuck on the island that she committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. 
I wasn't clear on that point.

And it makes sense to me that with one young married woman and an inattentive husband, that she will seek companionship in the arms of the only other bachelor on the island. I wish how that came about was explored in the story line.

I guess as a lover of thrillers and suspense novels, I had high expectations based on the reviews I had read about the book. 
And my expectations where not met.

It was shortlisted for the Common Wealth Book Prize in 2012 
and again am not sure how that came to be because to me it was a very incomplete book.

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