February 8, 2019

My Smoothie for Heart Health

Did you know that men & women can sometimes experience 

different symptoms when experiencing a heart attack?

I consider my heart to be very healthy. Some of the things I do 

including leading an active lifestyle that helps with my heart health 

is what I eat. One of my favorite meals or to-go snacks are

 smoothies. The invention of machines like the ninja or magic 

bullet has made smoothie making into a less than 10 mins culinary


I love my smoothies very simple.

I've never felt the need to make it exotic with the latest fad 

ingredients like matcha and etc. Berries, bananas, flax seeds, some 

sort of  protein powder &  milk is all I need in a good smoothie. I 

know it sounds boring but  it gets the job done in terms of taste and 

nutritional value.

Berries and Flax seeds have macronutrients called Polyphenol.

These macronutrients indirectly help & support heart health by;

Ø Maintaining the structural integrity of arteries

Ø Prevent platelet clumping which can result in blood clots.

Blueberries have nitric oxide which helps to widen your blood 

arteries and therefor reduce your blood pressure.

Perhaps you already knew that the average woman’s heart is 

smaller than a man’s heart. But did you know that for that size 

reason, our heart beats about 8 beats a minute faster than a man’s 


As for my chocolate peanut butter, watch your portion size. 

Everything in moderation. Also, pairing it up with something like a

 banana, celery sticks or in my case, in a smoothie is a good way to 

balance the calories and nutrients.

If you will love to help me on my wellness journey , 

please click here

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