February 24, 2019

My Boston Roller Derby Experience

I attended my first ever Boston Roller derby game this past Saturday and here are my observations.

#1. I was expecting more physical contact. Does that make me a barbarian?

# 2.The game reminds me of american football. The difference is , instead of their "QB" running straight across a field, they were running in circles in a loop.

# For the same reasons I do not like watching football, I could not watch a full half of this sport. The turnover rate for action was too large for me. I hate sports that have a lot of stop and go. What am I suppose to do during those transition time?
I dislike having to be in a perpetual state of getting excited only to calm back down then get excited then calm back down....when I go high I like to stay high emotionally and when I come down, am done for the day.

Full Disclosure: I watched this game sober and something tells me that perhaps some libation would have completely elevated my experience.
But then again, if I need alcohol to enjoy an experience, what does that say about the experience or me? Because as we all know,  when liquor is involved it takes very little to entertain a crowd.

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