January 26, 2019

Happy New Year 2019: Mexico Recap

This year I decided to switch my routine and do things differently.

Back in november my spirit was craving for some sort of adventure that will take me outside of boston. I needed a change of scenery to get my mind right.  With those feelings in mind, I organized an ice skating trip into the city (frog pond) with some friends. It ended up being a wonderful night that was the perfect catalyst to kick off my holiday season. 

 When a last minute opportunity came up to spend christmas and the new year with a good friend in mexico, I jumped! on it.I didn't know how I was going to finance the trip or take time of work for 3 weeks! but I knew I had to get out of boston. I knew the invitation was God answering my prayers and that everything will workout accordingly to make it possible for me to go.Going to mexico this past december was about taking a mental vacation. I needed to REST. It was not about taking part in adrenaline pumping activities like zip lining or dancing the night away in the streets on NYE. I needed to pause and reflect on my current state and  be present in the moment instead of planning out my 2019.
(5th ave - Playa del Carmen)

(roof top view of playa del carmen, mexico)

While in Playa, I caught up on some reading and exercised daily. My friend gave me Rick Warren's book and companion journal : The Purpose Driven Life
The gaga was, I had previously bought the old version of the  journal in 2014 (brown copy), and so this was going to be a perfect way to re-evaluate my perspective on life, 4 years later.

Have I learned any new life lessons?
Have my priorities shifted?
What life goals have I accomplished?
what's left?
Has my purpose Changed? Evolved? Stayed the same?

Another thing I am doing differently this year is how I journal.

 Usually by November/December I would have already bought a journal, ready to start writing on January 1st. This year, I wanted to ease into the year. I didn't want to think about 2019 goals until February. Thereby giving me a chance to gauge how I was feeling about the year and not just hit the ground running.

So for january, I followed my church's 21 days of fasting devotional and wrote down whatever came up my spirit every time I prayed. In february, I will focus on reading and journaling on the purpose driven life. After that, I will like to find another interactive book to continue documenting my year. If you have any suggestions or ideas please email me or leave your ideas in the comment section below.

I did do one touristy* activity while in mexico.
My friend and I took a ferry to the island of cozumel .
I expected it to be relatively quiet but that was the complete opposite. 
It was a very busy island that was also a popular stop for cruise ships. I believe there where about 6 ships expected on the day we  landed on the island.
We rented a jeep and attempted but failed to drive around the entire island. Now I have an excuse to go back and complete the mission.

Do I have new year resolutions? I don't think so...
A lot of plans from 2018 where paused following my dad's death because I had no motivation to continue. I'll like to try and finish them this year. Am also hosting a vision night party with some friends at the end of january. Perhaps something will come to mind then.

One thing I do want to learn this year is a tech skill. Am not sure specifically what, but I want to take a course on coding or etc. Technology IS the future and I want to learn a new skill in that field. Something beyond just being able to use microsoft office and google. 

If you were coming to my vision board party, what will you be putting on your board for 2019?

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