February 19, 2018

Taking Stock- FEBRUARY 2018

Oh my goodness!
Where did february go?!
In retrospect maybe I should feel grateful that I've been busy with work and life that the month has almost slipped by unnoticed!
Since we have 9 days left in the month, I wanted to do a blog post on what ive been up to lately.

Reading: Love: The Way to Victory by Kenneth .E. Haggin

Drinking: Lemon Zinger Tea with Honey. I am really trying to cut back on my caffeine intake and limit it to the days I work at 5am in the morning.

Cooking: Anything that can be thrown into a crock pot. 

Waiting: EXCITINGLY to go see BLACK PANTHER!!!!! (Am going this Wednesday)

Listening: To podcasts on my long commutes. I'm just now getting into it. I will do a blog post about what I listen to some other time. Right now am listening to a lot of life motivational lectures and some comedy stuff in between.

Feeling: Tired. It's been go go go lately. And while I appreciate the work opportunities, I need to figure out a healthy balance to nurture my body.

Wanting: A  budget friendly vacation in a sunny city like Miami, Florida.

Embracing: My singleness especially during this valentine season.

Celebrating: The little victories. The everyday miracles. As Christians, sometimes we're busy holding our breathes for the magical BIG miracles that we loose sight of the every day small but significant moments. That car you swerved away from on the high way, that customer service rep who waived a fee for you, that free food you received when money was tight etc. I want to be aware and celebrate every small victory that happens to me daily.

Getting: Back into a consistent workout schedule. That is definitely something I've been doing right for this month. Planning my days and weeks ahead of time and making working out a priority as part of my day.
Loving: How the year is going so far for me and the new friendships am opening myself up to.

Hoping: To accomplish my financial goals for this month. That am moving in the right direction of my purpose.

Buying: I am looking into buying some plants and section furniture for my home. I need the plants to be highly resistant to heat because I keep my heater on 24/7 during this winter months.

Questioning: What is really going on in America? Another mass shooting in Florida leaving 17 dead and others injured. And people thinking the solution is to arm teachers? My desire to home school my future children only grows stronger by the year.

Pondering : The Male Perspective of the "me too" movement. I'm wondering if this will turn into a "weapon" that disgruntled women will use to tarnish the life and reputation of any man who crosses them. We see it happening in child support and custody cases. And even in some rape cases by jilted lovers. As some one with 4 brothers and many male relatives, I just want to make sure the innocent male perspective is protected. As a society we're making a blanket assumption that no woman lies*.

Watching: Stranger Things and Black Mirror on Netflix. But I don't know about black mirror, I haven't liked the recent episodes as much as the original ones.

Looking: For a new perfume scent in preparation for spring

Giggling: over social media memes to pop culture. Who are these internet comedians? They all need awards and recognition for their daily does of laughable moments.

Opening: My heart to the joys of dating and falling in love again.

Admiring: Single Parents and how they juggle it all and maintain their sanity.

Deciding: That my feelings are not facts. That at the end of the day I need to find it in me to do what needs to be done to get to where am going and not be my own road block because of emotions.

That's all I have for today.
Let me know if you resonate or disagree with any of  my points.
And don't forget I'm on  Instagram as @fitpaysangirl