January 5, 2018

Happy New Year: My 2018 Resolutions

Happy Near Year!

Pittsburgh, PA

This new year's eve was a first one for me. An intimate dinner  in pittsburgh, pennsylvania surrounded by friends sans alcohol listening to faith filled evangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth from Revival Today, encouraging us into the new  year. 

2017 made me a benefactor of many blessings from friends and strangers.
 I was all about self preservation, self mental health, self awareness, protecting my joy, self love , self discovery etc etc...

It was a year of me stepping back from social media 
( I quit facebook + twitter + barely blogged)
retreating inwards and focusing on myself spiritually, financially, emotionally.

For 2018, I am filled with so much gratitude + peace, I want to be a giver and not a taker.
I want to challenge myself to give more this year than I have ever before.

Volunteer my gift/skills to a LOCAL non-profit organisation.
Financially support ministries am passionate about
 [Medical Missions + Homelessness]
Give my support, patience & time to family + friends who stuck around in 2017.

As they say, you can't pour out of an empty cup.
Well guess what? My cup is currently overflowing and I feel like sharing this 2018.

What are your new year resolutions for 2018?

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