January 15, 2018

10 Volunteer Organisations to partner with in 2018

In my  2018 New Year Resolution post, I mentioned how one of my goals for this year was to partner with a local non-profit organisation. I currently work part-time for one so am debating if I should invest more non-paid volunteer hours towards our community events or if I should just find something else to do.

 MLK Service day is a perfect time to kick off this goal. With the marathon holiday season from Thanksgiving to the New Year Celebrations sometimes we get so caught up in our lives...
(which is not a crime, we should celebrate our blessings).
...but sometimes it's also nice/neighborly to pause and reach out to those who are less fortunate.

Location: Massachusetts, USA

Christmas holidays are a difficult time in general for most people.
 For some the lack of food, shelter or the ability to have a heated home during these cold winter months, makes for a more difficult  experience.

Volunteerism should extend beyond Martin Luther King Jr holiday.
We've turned into a people who share, like, and hashtag causes but don't actually do any real life measurable actions that will bring about change.

In the pass I've volunteered in nursing homes playing games with the elderly, Athletic events like last year at the Boston Marathon youth Jamboree, building homes with Habitat for Humanity and also through my church. There are many avenues to find out volunteer opportunities and typically most organisations will find a way to use your skill set not matter how novice or experienced you are.

Location: Ecuador, South America

Here are is my biased😊 list of 10 volunteer organisations to check out this 2018. I have  either already worked with some of them or I am a club member in others  

1. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America - Youth Mentorship
2. Wounded Warrior Project - Veterans
3. ***Salvation Army *** Everything
4. Appalachian Mountain Club - Mother Earth
5. Doctors without Borders - Health Care
6. American Cancer Association
7. Feeding America - Hunger
8. Hospitals -  No one dies alone programs.
9. Nursing Homes - The Elderly
10. The Special Olympics - Disabilities

If you still don't know where to start, you can also check out this website


A lot of time we limit our concept of helping to financial donations. But the reality is most non-profit organisations need people to perform the day to day tasked required to run their programs. So if you don't have money to give donate your time, your skills, your hugs, your words of encouragements, your smiles and your presence. Some where in the world or your main street, there's someone who's desperately seeking for another human being to just acknowledge their existence.

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