December 17, 2017

4 books that got me through 2017

 Why haven't I blogged? What have I been doing all this time? 

Travelling. Reading. Spending time with Myself, Friends and Family


Today I want to share 4 of the many books I read in 2017.
 Since I've finally figured out how to balance work and lifestyle, am excited to get back into my hobby of reading.

Maybe I should join a book club in 2018? 
But then again, as much as I like accountability, I don't like to be "forced" to do things. I like to move at my own pace. That's why I shy away from reading challenges or book clubs.
On the flip side, you get exposed to books you may not have picked up? other reader's opinions? I mean am still shocked I didn't pick on the domestic abuse theme in Big Little Lies ( which  has now been adapted into a tv series)  until I attended a book club discussion about it.

Here are 4 books that had my mind churning in 2017
At first I was annoyed at the simplicity of the Alchemist. Was this the same book that everyone raved about? Then I realized the irony of my feeling was in sync with the ending of the story and the big take away moral of the story. Oh we humans , we do like to complicate things lol

This year I've matured in my spiritual journey and have been seeking for "more" outside of Sunday service.
I mean life goes on in the other 6 days of the week right?
I've read a lot of faith related material throughout the year but the 2 above resonated with me on a deeper level because of their practicality.

This book was a gentle reminder that celebrities are people too. People who also get the unbiased luxury of life's colorful experiences despite their fame. It also made me consider that when we envy other people's lives as am sure most women envy Gabriel Union's relationship with her NBA husband, we also have to want her painful past and all its drama .

So ask yourself, will you be willing to be a rape victim or someone who has multiple miscarriages if you knew that some time down the line in your future you'll be married to an NBA player?

This year I read a lot of different materials from fictional novels to science, religion and biographies.
Books, articles, blogs, journals, magazines and everything in between.

Half way through the year my verb of the year 
( I always assign a word to guide my decisions for the year ) 
kind of morphed from whatever it was to one that required me to be in the moment.
I recognized that I was more engrossed with recording pictures and videos to post on my multiple social media platforms instead of being present in the moments.

So I quit most of them including Facebook. 
Also my computer crashed and I didn't bother to get a new one. 
I felt like the universe was in agreement with my spirit that I needed a  social media purge and a break .

Now I only have this blog and my Instagram account. This has been a great break and I hope to keep a more regular blog schedule next year. 

So with that said, check out my book recommendations above and have a 

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