October 2, 2017

Bike Blender

What IS the purpose of a bike blender?

Is it practical?

Without knowing anything about the history of the "invention" of this product and its practical use, it's safe to assume that this will be a good device for those living in regions that have limited electricity.

For me I envision its use in a village setting in my home country of cameroon. But I don't understand the practical "fitness" part of biking beyond the physics of it serving as a "motor" system for the blender. Allowing one to blend up not just smoothies but spices for cooking.

Beyond that, the average villager's lifestyle is pretty active because they do a lot of manual labour and walk many kilometers due to the lack of  affordable public transportation. 
So is this just a first world fad gadget?
Who buys this product?
And how do they put it to use?
Is the objective to be able to achieve some level of fitness goal with this?
or is it a just for the fun of it, gadget?

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