April 28, 2017

Easter 2017 Road Trip Dallas to Vegas

The past couple of years, I've spent every Easter in Boston because I wanted to be around the city and take part in the Boston Marathon events. This year, I decided to break that tradition and do something a little bit different by going on a road trip.

Image from Rondoughtery

With the introductions of planes and the ability to shop for discounted tickets, it seems like the road trip culture in america is dying out, or at least skewing to extreme ends.

By extreme ends I mean on one hand you do have a new trend of backpackers and people living out of buses, vans, SUVs & RVs or tiny mobile homes.
And then on the other extreme end, those who are too busy to take the scenic interstate highways routes and prefer a red eye nonstop flight because it will get them to their destination faster.
Add to that the trend of international travel being desirable for many than going on a road trip to local national landmarks.

I feel like am a combination of both. I don't like to take a day off work just to travel so I try to be efficient with my time. In this case, flying nonstop into Dallas after work at night, obviously. But then if there is an opportunity for me to see more and experience more on a road trip, I take advantage of that too.

One day I'll like to either back pack or get an RV or even better a tiny mobile home! and drive it across america. I feel like I'll need to take some kind of technical "how to" class before hitting the road so I don't die on the highway lol.

My road trip started with a night flight into Dallas with pit stop drives and sight seeings through;

✔️Amarillo, Texas

With a belly full of more steak than I have eaten in months, we hit the road again, this time heading towards   

✔️Albuquerque, New Mexico

We spent the night in 

✔️Gallup, New Mexico

and finally made it to VEGAS! the next day in time for Good Friday :)

✔️Henderson, Las Vegas

It's so hard to stay active and disciplined on the road especially when I feel like I have the huge responsibility of trying out local cuisines sans counting calories.

There is so much to see and do in Vegas off the strip. Don't be fooled by all the marketing hype. Vegas can be family friendly and quiet . There is a lot more to do OFF the strip than on the strip, who's novelty wears off after about 2 days of 24/7 bright lite casinos.

My favourite motto for this spring season is, whatever you seek, you will find. If you're looking for a peaceful sanctuary, you can find that in Vegas. If you're looking for the night life scene, you will also find that.

(Grand Valley Ranch Resort and Spa)

(Elephant Bar)

(Sunset Station Hotel Casino)

But then you know....after everything thing your gal still caught a flight back home to Boston from McCarran International Airport in Nevada through utah in time for the BOSTON MARATHON!!!

April 18, 2017

Fire and Ice - Boston Restaurant Review

Address205 Berkeley St, Boston, MA 02116

My colleagues and I went to this location because it was conveniently located across our job site (John Hancock Building).

At Fire and Ice, you can either select something from the menu or pay a fix price for the unlimited buffet option.

The way the buffet works is, you create your own meal by selecting from the different food groups; spices, proteins, vegetables, carbs and etc .

It reminds me of the The Big Chow Grill in Smyrna, Ga my former neighborhood in Atlanta. 

This is a safe way to try different spices or combinations without "losing money" on a meal you end up not enjoying.

I'm not sure if I will recommend this option to someone who doesn't know how to cook or doesn't know how to combine different food groups. But with that said, I asked the chef for ideas when I was trying to create my seafood plates because I don't typically cook fish.

Affordability: ✔✔✔✔
College students get a discount on College nights (Fri/Sat)

It's super cheap and especially keeping in mind that it's unlimited buffet with quality healthy options including vegetarian options for making a burger, tofu etc

I will mention that the dessert bar  and drink menu is not included and is a separate charge.

We had so much fun we're planning on going back at the end of the month.

April 11, 2017

Boston Marathon Youth Jamboree 2017

I had the opportunity to volunteer for this amazing event for kids through one of our fellow BGR- Boston member.

It's so important to introduce kids at an early age to athletics and the fitness lifestyle. Beyond it's health benefits, I find that being part of a team, learning to invest and work hard towards a goal builds great character.

 But even with all that hard work, 

you learn that you will not always win. 

You learn to accept defeat with grace.

To portray good sportsmanship.

To respect the talent of others

Running and working out in general has this unique ability to build your mental stamina.

Sometimes, when am going through a rough time with life in general, I use my running mental states  as a barometer to gauge if this is something I can overcome or if it's time to quit.

If the stress level doesn't measure up to be more than what I've experienced in a long distance workout, I don't quit, because I know somewhere within me lies the power to overcome.

Speaking of running, I finally received my medal from the BGR February race. My first medal for the year. As much as I hate that the price of races have significantly gone up over the years due to all these new fad races, maybe this year I should sign up for more races. 

I  don't care much one way or another for medals . At the end of the day, I just want to be able to strap on my shoes, step out the door and be able to go on a nice long run.

I just want to stay healthy, fit and strong.

In a class of her own, the nationally renowned Marilyn Bevans.

Here is a runner's world article on her accomplishment.

Bevans was the first sub-three-hour, African-American female marathoner.

With Olympic Athlete Femita Ayanbeku

Volunteering for events like this is a gentle reminder that I am a role model and have to lead by example by practicing what I preach.