December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! to you and your families

I honestly had this plan to share something inspirational, to impart you with a positive message of love, kindness, gratitude, generosity and just the art of being an awesome human being in general.

But truth be told this message is being currently preached and regurgitated over and over and over again that i'll be surprise if you haven't heard a version of it before. Today's Christmas was honestly like a regular day for me. I didn't do anything I wouldn't have typically done on a lazy Sunday with no work lol.

I worked out. Did some runs around the fields and also some stairs workouts.
 I ate. Some good food/some bad food .
 Drank some coffee and basically lounged all day.
 I swear in another lifetime I am a cat because I have perfected the art of solo lounging at home.

If I must impart some type of wisdom it will be this 2 things

1. Buy a gratitude journal and everyday find something positive about life to be thankful for and write it down. I had one for 2016 and I can definitely say am a much happy optimistic passionate about life person that I was in previous years

2. Don't wait for the new year to start a new you. It begins today. The past is gone. Today is here and tomorrow is NOT GUARANTEED. So live today. Enjoy today. Appreciate today. Start working on those goals today. New Now, You Now.

Last year between thanksgiving and the new year I was literary in a different city every week partying it up, and it was fun while it lasted. This year we're ending the year on a different note. At home, chilling with some good wine, except for the NYE party in which case I intend to be scandalous lol.

Here's a link to my 2015 holidays post

Cheers & Bonne Santé 

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