September 29, 2016

Forest: Stay Focus Be Present

It's been a very busy couple of weeks? months? for me.

On one hand I feel completely overwhelmed with work and I hate that I haven't been able to blog.

On the other hand, this blog is just that, a hobby for me to pencil away my thoughts and opinions. 
No deadlines. No pressure. 

 Its not meant to be a space that is dictated by my obligations to brands . I have a couple of women crush Wednesday ladies I have been meaning to highlight because I love what they're doing for their respective communities but I just haven't been able to get it out here!

Today I learned about FOREST and I literary paused everything I was doing to post this out. I dont know much about the app. I'm going to sign up for it through android. I'm asking you to sign up with me let's check it out together. Worst case scenario it sucks and we do what we're good at doing
 aka delete it.

The whole Premises from my understanding of FOREST, is to stay away from our phone. Your forest grows bigger based on how long you stay away from your phone. Basically this app tracks how often you're clicking away on your screen versus focusing on something else.

This is not a sponsored post. I am just sharing it with you guys :)

As for work, am in the middle of a transition phase. On one end sometimes I feel overwhelmed but then I am quickly reminded that there are many SKILLFUL, EXPERIENCED workers out there looking for employment, so I should be grateful.....I guess.

But should that be the rule of thumb?Dont complain because others have it worst?

How do YOU<~~~ balance these  conflicting but relevant feelings?

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