April 12, 2016

5 steps to Spring into Health

Spring is here!

We all know how difficult it can be to maintain a workout schedule during the long, cold winter months. Now that the weather is getting warmer, here are 5 great tips, am using to get healthier this spring.

#1. Be Adventures
It's time to step away from the indoor cardio machines and try a new class. There are so many small fitness "boutiques" offering innovative and creative classes . The good thing about these boutiques are, there is typically no membership fee. You can sign up to take one class or purchase a group deal like a 6 weeks pass.

A new trendy class I will like to one day try is SOUL CYCLE

Another new concept to tryout is Class Pass. With a monthly membership, you have access to a variety of studios in your city, giving you the option to really customize your workouts to your taste.

My new spring routine is to CUT BACK ON CARDIO. I find that my body has become stagnant. All I ever do is run yet am still not seeing the changes I will like to see. So I have decided to take a variety of classes offered through my fitness center. The good thing about being a member of a fitness center is the free access to all the perks like group exercise classes, pool, steam/sauna room, healthy living workshops and an in house masseuse.

2. Start a Training Program
Setting goals and accomplishing them over a given period of time is a great self esteem booster. Sign up for a race or fitness adventure event and train for it. Use apps like Nike+ or the Couch to 5K program to help you train. You don't always necessarily need to pay a coach to do this. There are many apps on google play that will walk you through your training, send you daily reminders of the tasks that need to be completed and track your progress.

(here is one I will be doing)

3. Go Shopping ^_^
For new outfits. You'll be surprised how much a new pair of bright green sneakers or an orange tank top can elevate your mood especially if you live in a cold and rainy city. A new pair of workout apparels that are comfortable and allow your body to breath is also a confidence booster.

I find that I have the most desire to push myself in boot camp when I am wearing something comfortable. Anything else, like very short shorts or tight leggings makes me too self conscious to focus and enjoy my workout.

And while you're buying new clothes, get rid of the old ones that no longer fit by either recycling or donating to a 2nd hand clothing organization like the salvation army. Don't feel like you have to always throw them out in the trash. There are millions of disadvantaged people who benefit from donations.

4. Nutrition

I have to say this winter my nutrition habits where horrible. A one month sick leave had me justifying why I needed to drink green tea hot chocolate with pastries all the time. Winter's heart warming drinks and soups can sometimes pack on a huge amount of calories. After a season of eating out or ordering in, am ready to dive back into cooking and prepping my meals for the day. I am buying new kitchen appliances and will be challenging myself to tryout new healthy spring recipes. If anything, cooking at home saves you $$$

5. Team Up
Encourage a friend, family member or co worker to join you for a class. Most gyms have day guest passes for free or purchase at a small cost. Working out together is a good way to strengthen a relationship and create memories. 
An alternate option is to join an online fitness community. There are online communities for any sports or fitness class. It's an opportunity to chat with others, learn new tricks and have a support system to talk about your healthy living journey struggles because we all have one.

                                         As an exercise physiologist, I struggle with staying authentic and living this healthy lifestyle that I am always preaching to others about. Yes my weight fluctuates. Yes sometimes I over indulge in cake and ice cream even though I don't even like them. There's something psychological about how they can "soothe" the soul on a bad day over plain Greek yogurt.

Through online communities, you find that you are really not alone in dealing with lifestyle struggles. Whether its body dysmorphia, eating disorders, getting back post injuries or just finding the motivation as a beginner or veteran, there are many out there just like you.


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