January 25, 2016

Expresso HD Virtual Reality Exercise Bike

By far the BEST indoor riding experience I have ever had!

This bike is amazing! especially for people who easily get bored with stationary bikes.
There's a reason why spinning instructors always try to come up with creative ways to keep people motivated in their classes. Riding a stationary bike can become pretty boring within minutes into the ride. 
With the expresso bike, the handle is steerable , allowing you to ride through many cool and interesting high definition trails, cities, school campuses and etc. There's also a  video game mode that allows you to play a variety of games as you ride along.

I love that the idea is to mimic real time outdoor riding including your occasional steep hills. You have to hold the handle bars and steer instead of your typical gym bikes where I see a lot of people just laying back reading a novel while biking with minimum effort. 

The only slight downside worth mentioning is how jarring to the senses the experience can be if you are not accustomed to HD screens especially if you're trying to ride, steer and stare at the glaring screen. It's something your senses eventually adjust to (Remember when 3-D movies first came out?).

Another bonus is that it's connected to the internet, allowing you to create an account and track your progress. You can log into your account from any expresso bike and continue your workout plan even if you're not in your home gym (great for travelers).And if like me, a little dose of competition is a positive reinforcement tool, you can compare your performance against other riders in your school,city, gym ,region and etc

I give this bike 2 thumbs up for bringing a great outdoor workout indoors especially for those of us who live in places where seasonal changes can sometimes make it difficult to workout outside.

I'm not a video tech person yet...so the quality isnt a good indicator of how great the visuals are

January 18, 2016

Morning Trail Run

I am on an agenda to spend as much time outdoors as possibly before we get hit with the first snow storm in Boston.

For me, no indoor exercise class beats a morning trail run.

And as usual, every time I need to make a decision, I hit the trails. Yup, am that girl running in the woods, talking to myself or to trees, squirrels and any other animal that would listen to me list off pros and cons of a given decision.

Sometimes I get an answer
Other times I discover new questions and dimensions to the issue*

If you live on the side of the world that actually gets cold during winter (side eye to California), what are you doing to keep exercising outdoors?

Birthday Reflections 2016

It's my birthday!
And for this year, there is nothing "new" I want to reflect on. I have no new goals; long term or short term. I am still working on the ones I created within the past couple of years.

 For 2016, I already know the tasks at hand.
Now all I need is focus and perseverance.
Less talking more doing.
Less pity parties more gratitude celebrations
And above all, to find ways to celebrate being alive regularly
Many Thanks! to all your well wishes and words of encouragements

If you're curious about my past reflections, click below