July 6, 2015

Work Lunch and Snacks

I struggle with meal preps. It takes way too much organization and discipline to pre prep what you're going to eat for the entire week.

What if your mood changes and you develop cravings for something other than what you have prepped for a week?!

On the other hand, I completely understand the importance of making your own meals. Its healthy and cheap. Why pay $5 for a breakfast bagel and creme chess at a fast food place when you could buy a bag of 6 bagels for $5.

I recently recreated a dish that was featured during the nutrition month programs I had organized at work. It is called a Crock pot chicken taco chili. You can probably find different variations of this dish online. I loved making it because of its simplicity and nutritional values.

The only downside I can think of is using fresh ingredients instead of cans. However even with cans, there are companies that are doing a good job of using healthy preservatives in can foods.

I've also been eating a lot on my trips. With a chef on deck its easy to eat delicious but healthy meals

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