July 15, 2015

My Summer Exercise Routine

In general my workout routine consists of using the studio room at the gym to perform plyometric body weight exercises. Sometimes I bring a Samsung tablet along to play youtube videos such as FITNESS BLENDER.

Additionally, I have been doing a lot running for 2 reasons

#1  Black Girls Run - Boston of which I am an ambassador,  has a 50miles for July Challenge

#2 My friends in Atlanta have a NIKE+ Summer challenge going on till August which concides with their wedding season

Because I have been traveling so much, I am losing on both ends. To get back into a winning position with the rest of the participants in the challenges, I've increased the number of miles am running per week.

This is great and impressive until you develope shin splints which is what am currently battling. I feel like my shin splints are not necessarily from increasing my mileage but developed from the following reasons

- Not stretching enough before and after runs☆Guilty☆
- Worn out shoes ☆Guilty☆
- Changing terrains ☆ Guilty☆Guilty☆Guilty☆

I need new nike running shoes but that's not in my budget for July. It doesnt help that with a recently crashed desktop, saving to move, my priorities have shifted. Also, I've been running on the road, on grass,  on soccer fields and track fields.

Or maybe am just in denial that am out of shape and my body does not appreaciate doing more than 10miles a week.
Aside from stretching exercises like toe curls and heel drops, I have replaced running with yoga for the past 2 days. Tomorrow I will be back on the road. For now am doing vinyasa power yoga using the ujjaiy breathing method.This has been very good for my sense of well being , strength and flexibility.
Also I am considering adding spinning as a cross training option for my shins.
                   Keeping it really with my zero abs.
                    I dont regret my VACATIONS lol.
Add me on NIKE+ and let's encourage each other to keep running and burning those calories

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