October 16, 2014

Run Chat : Self Evaluation

Two days ago I went for an after work run to evaluate my preparation for a Thanks Giving Day Half Marathon.

My performance was depressing. It was a bad run day.

It felt like I may as well have been walking backwards or speed walking for the dismal pace of 12 mins a mile. This run made me take an honest look at how out of sync my fitness routine has become. Plagued with meeting deadlines this month, running has been pushed to the back burner.

I have also put on some weight ....and not muscle mass .

Posting this is a way for me to share with you all that not every workout is going to be perfect. The social media culture is one were people only post about their perfect successes, never mentioning their struggles. But Life does not work that way. We all struggle...daily.

 You are not going to beat your PR with every run. You are going to have bad days. Bad weeks. Bad months. But the bigger picture is over coming those obstacles and getting back into sync with your goals.

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