June 30, 2014

Black Girls Run - Sweat With Your Sole Festival

I'm in summer school doing two science courses in a crashing 6 weeks pace.

So for me the days have been flying. There are not enough hours to get everything done!

Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat

But no matter how busy the days are, getting my run in is still a priority.

It's how I hold it all together.

Long runs are my brain storming sessions.

Shuttle sprints + hills are my "venting" and releasing all negative energies sessions.

So you see? I HAVE TO RUN

Speaking of running, am glad to announce that am going to be one of the new black girls run- Boston ambassadors.

I'm so honoured to have been selected for this role.
I look forward to learning, sharing and growing with all my fellow ladies who run not just in Boston but nation wide.

It's amazing what can happen in a year!

As with last year, BGR is having its 3rd annual race and conference weekend in Atlanta from September 4th - 7th 2014

There's a little bit of everything for everyone. A race, biking tour, wine tasting event, gala dinner and many other networking opportunities to meet like minded women who care about their health and fitness.

I fell in love with this organisation because of how it tries to rally our black communities to get serious about their health and fitness.

And it does so, not by listing text book data but by infiltrating neighborhoods across the US and organizing running groups led by ambassadors.

For more information about the festival and tickets discounts

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