March 3, 2014

Up Date : No winter lasts forever; No spring skips its turn

For all its association with love, February wasn't a lovable month for me. Between snow storms and being sick for 2+ weeks, I was ready to get out of the city. I felt a strong association between the cold weather and my unbalanced state of mind.

Luckily I had a trip planned to Vegas for the end of the month.
 Best therapeutic decision ever ^_^

The Hell's Kitchen's burger restaurant in Planet Hollywood resort vegas

The first time the sun kissed my face in Nevada, I did not want to leave the side walk. 

It was an amazing feeling. 

I plan to hold on to that feeling and never forget it next time I take sunshine for granted.... or at least long enough to let me survive whatever is left of the winter before spring.

 view from hotel room @ Planet Hollywood Resort

  My rookie attempt at the slot machines $1 investment yielded 30 bad i say

As far as my workout routines, I decided to take a break from exercising and focus more on eating healthy. 
Don't get me wrong, I live a pretty "active" lifestyle. 
So even though I wasn't "hitting" the gym, my regular everyday routine still incorporates some kind of exercise. 
From walking over a mile to get to work or teaching physical education.

Am back in Boston. 

And in typical New England fashion was welcomed by snow flakes at the airport.

The first day back from a trip where life is a complete 180 degrees from home can be very nerve racking.

 How do you adjust from sunshine to extreme cold?
I plan on registering for a race once I get back into a good running routine. 

Am not sure if it will be a half marathon, 5k or 10k . 

But I like the idea of having a goal to work towards when you've been out of schedule for a while.

What exercise goals have you set for March?

Let me know on twitter @mapetiteniche or on instagram  @laurettaashu


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