February 17, 2014

Retiring Exercise Shoes

Last week I had to dispose my favourite winter DRI-FIT  leggings. The wear and tear it had been subjugated to was embarrassing. I'm known for holding on to my fitness apparels until they are shreds and pieces. This was the case with this leggings, which eventually gave up in the middle of my bike session in the gym.

The same applies to my running shoes.

I have a hard time letting go because we've shared too many great memories.

From the personal record races to the emotional long day runs. 

Or the misadventures on an unfamiliar running trail. 

Running into deers. 

Finding a cool lake in the middle of nowhere. 

Running with no destination is mind because I wanted to think?

 Staying warm in my waterproof sleeve on a run that started with extreme sunshine and ended with torential down pours.

Running in 4 degree weather and the whole time questioning my sanity


Getting compliments from fellow conquerors of the road.

And etc etc..

With that said, I still recognize the importance of letting go of an old pair and getting a new one.

Factors that affect running shoes Life expectancy
  1. Runner's size and running technique
  2. Terrain and weather conditions under which runs take place
  3. Force of foot strike

Injury prevention. An old shoe looses cushioning and its ability to absorb shock over time. This will affect your joints (ankle and knees) who end up receiving the shock of your strides resulting in injury.

The general rule of thumb is to change your running shoes after 400 - 500 miles. However, depending on the factors I listed above, you may need to do it earlier or later than those figures.

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