August 8, 2013


Here is another guest blogger post for mapetiteniche readers from Emeka of  Smile & Mobile


If you have not joined the wearable tech revolution, then shame on you! :) .  We are not talking about the smooth, stylish, slightly unnecessary google glass or their equally ridiculous talking shoes.  We are talking about the fitness hardware and software that are currently motivating millions of people to healthier lifestyles.  These devices keep tabs on our daily movements, they give us a nudge if we are not staying active enough, and some of them even monitor what we eat and our sleeping habits.  Who needs a gym buddy when you can have wearable tech!  We have come a long way since the pedometer.  You remember the pedometer? that thing (I struggle to call it a device) you use to clip on your belt that counts your steps throughout the day.  Well its a mobile world now baby, and the new hardware can do a lot more than just count steps.  Devices like the Nike Fuel BandFitbit flex, Jawbone upbodymedia armband are leading the way.
bodymedia armbandbodymedia armband
We are not going to delve into the differences between these devices, but we will tell you what to look out for. Deciding on the device that will work best for you can be broken down into 3 main features:  Design, data collection and analysis, syncing ability.
 Devices like the Nike Fuel band, Jawbone Up and Fitbit flex are designed to be worn on your wrist like a watch. The Nike Fuel band actually displays your stats right on the band (including the time)  The Fitbit flex and Jawbone Up sync the information with your mobile phone or computer for you to look at later.  Bodymedia Armband as the name suggests is worn around your upper arm. So before you purchase a band check out the different designs and find out what is more important to you.  If you desire the ability to see important  stats right on the band,  then the  Nike band is for you, if you would prefer it to be waterproof, durable and don’t  mind looking at the stats later  on your computer then you can try some of the others.
Syncing with the mobile phone
Syncing is a very important feature, all the data your fitness device picks  up throughout the day, will be transferred to your computer or mobile phone for you to use later.  Ease of transfer is key.   Some devices sync automatically (over bluetooth), and others need to be plugged in before they are synced.   When automatic syncing is done, make sure the device is bluetooth smart, which means they can sync through bluetooth without using up too much battery life
Data Collection and analysis
Finally, you need to understand what data is actually being collected.  Bodymedia armband and fitbit can record your sleeping habits.  Bodymedia can also collect information about temperature and perspiration..  Jawbone Up is great at tracking your food intake, while Nike does not do that at all.   They all allow you to share information with friends, and some actually rank you against your friends, competitions is always good!
So you can see they are all different but still  serve the same purpose, to get your butt off that couch and into your fitness shoes.  A sedentary lifestyle is never a good thing, and you know how we feel at smile and mobile, we don’t believe in standing still.  Fitness band or not we always……………………….Stay Mobile!

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