July 22, 2013

Guest Post : Workouts for Wanderers- Combining Fitness and Travel

Workouts for Wanderers- Combining Fitness and Travel

Maintaining fitness habits while traveling can be tricky. But neglecting your workouts altogether is a bad idea. That's because, after an extended break from exercising, it's often tough to resume the routine. And if you travel frequently for business, skipping workouts each time you're on the road wreaks havoc on your attempts to stay in shape. To ensure that you are able to exercise while traveling, then, plan ahead carefully. Make reservations at hotels with extensive selections of fitness equipment, and gyms with business hours that you find accommodating. If you're a runner, only book rooms at properties near running trails. Carefully craft your itinerary to allow ample time for fitness, too. Further, whenever you're on vacation, cram in calorie-burning activities like hiking, swimming, and mountain climbing.

One of the more important ways to stay fit while traveling is to make sure to do some research before booking a hotel. On a recent trip to Maui I was able to book a hotel that had a 24-hour gym by first using a website called Gogobot in order to do my research. Here I was given a list of Maui hotels and I could see which ones had the right gym equipment and hours for me. This way I was able to spend all of my days on the beach and could workout early in the morning.

Fortunately, hotel room workouts are easy if you bring with you a resistance band or a TRX kit. A TRX kit is like a more elaborate resistance band, and you must attach it to a door. Also bring your favorite exercise DVDs, or if you'd rather, watch online fitness videos on a media-playing device while you work out. And don't forget a foldable yoga mat for crunches, planks, and push-ups

Believe it or not, you can actually exercise at some airports nowadays. For instance, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has opened a fitness room called the "Zen Room." Here you'll find plenty of yoga mats, and no shoes or phones are permitted. So the next time you're just hanging around an airport, inquire if it has a similar room. If not, it might in the near future, as it is easy to envision the airport fitness room becoming a trend. After all, SFO's Zen Room makes productive those hours that would otherwise be spent waiting around, and it helps fliers unwind and relax.

Speaking of relaxation, finding ways of beating travel-related stress is likewise an important fitness goal, as stress often leads to lost sleep and binge eating. To combat stress, always dress comfortably and always employ positive thinking. Imagine each trip you take as an exciting excursion, an adventure, and count your blessings along the way. Practice slow, deep breathing whenever you feel taxed; stretch your legs routinely and drink plenty of water. Pass time by reading or getting massages. And, to reiterate, nothing soothes nerves and improves moods like a full-body workout.   


Mapetiteniche is happy to introduce Mike Manning of Manning's Musings as a guest writer. Mike is a fellow fitness and healthy living advocate.

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