February 7, 2013

Wutao, la danse du Tao

WuTao is a dance exercise program that incorporates Tai Chi, Yoga and other fitness programs that are geared towards toning, stretching and lengthening the muscles.

Image from GenerationTao

As some one who gets easily bored with redundant fitness routines, incorporating alternative programs such as this, makes working out F.U.N.
Image from CentreTao

 Image from CentreTao 

It differs from other high intensity, loud fitness dance programs like Zumba in that its elements of yoga call for quiet meditation while performing the routines.

Image from Doctossimo

Image from Wutao

Image from CentreTao 

Before buying a workout DVD, I suggesting heading to a YouTube and trying out some of the Wutao videos and workout routines.

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