February 2, 2013

February 2012 Instagram (IG) Fitness Challenges

There's a new trend of weekly, monthly, yearly fitness challenges being posted on instagram. People commit to the challenges and validate their commitments with pictures of them performing the workouts. 

I think its a great way to spice up your workout. It also allows you to set small measurable goals. Signing up for weekly or monthly challenges seem more feasible than 1 year commitments.

Also , for me, seeing pictures of others performing the same tasks makes me think....IF THEY CAN DO IT, I CAN!

For 2013, I decided to incorporated more YOGA into my lifestyle. Therefor I will be doing the yoga a day February challenge. 

Here are a few out of 100s of  pictures of some of the challenges floating around instagram and pinterest. 

                                           Does any catch you interest?

I didnt understand the one above at first but I believe its a combination of doing workouts and taking pictures of certain items and posting them to your IG acct.


Follow me on instagram and If you have an account please let me know so i can come say hi. 

Don't forget you can tweet, email or msg me your comments and questions :)

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