January 2, 2013

Reflections of 2012

If asked to sum up 2012  in a word, I will say HIATUS because that's what the whole year felt like.

2012 was my year of WAITING.

In every aspect of my life I WAS WAITING

Waiting to get into a doctorate program.
Waiting for a past love interest to make up his mind.
Waiting for a work promotion.
Waiting for many things outside of my control to evolve into their rightful place.
Waiting Waiting Waiting.

Don't get me wrong, this doesn't imply I had a bad* year.

As someone who loves to be in 100% control of my life, waiting for things outside my control is extremely difficult.

Impatiently ^_^ but I did.

And slowly but surely, towards the end of the year, things began to fall into their rightful place. I found myself getting amazing opportunities, not just because of my skills/talent but my timing. I was at the right place at the right time. 

Would the same opportunities have presented themselves had i been impatient and changed the course? 
I guess we will never know.

My biggest lesson from 2012 is the virtue of Patience.

We are a society of instant gratification. We want things & we want them NOW. And we use the fact that we've worked hard and put in the sweat to justify having the reward immediately. But as we should all know by now, MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSES 

2013 Look Book
- Continue to work on my relationship with GOD

- Continue to work on my career and financial investments development

-Travel - Travel - Travel


  1. WOW Lauretta!! I really enjoyed reading your comments.. I too have been and still am in a state of waiting. I want to always live my life that way though!...As you mentioned, man proposes, but GOD disposes and I loved that phrase! I want to always wait on the Lord who has 100% control over everything; including my life and all that it encompasses.

  2. Thanks Nicole, It takes a lot of patience but am learning to listen to that "inner" voice we all have and just WAIT on the Lord.
