December 6, 2012

Their Story.My Story.Your Story.OUR STORY

One day I too go fly is a documentary that follows the life of 5 African MIT students through out their 4 years of colleges.

Meet :
Sante - Tanzania

".......What happens to them over four years as they are molded into first-class engineers at America’s top technological university?

Fidelis - Zimbabwe

How do their relationships with their home countries evolve? What becomes of their dreams to make an impact on the world? 

Philip - Nigeria

As they are pushed by MIT to explore beyond the limits they defined for themselves, we discover with them who they become as a result of the experience. 

Billy - Rwanda

While their experiences are intimate and personal, ultimately these young people are crucial components of their countries' intellectual capital, and their journeys in America will affect their homes......"

MOSA - Nigeria

The documentary is still under production and if you want to help them make this project come to life you can donate here.

I'm sure we can all see ourselves in these students. The journey of self discovery into trying to understand you're role in the world in relation to your relationship with Africa.

Let's help them take OUR STORY to the media.

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