November 16, 2012

Lights! Camera! Action! Take#3 Community Connections

Spent the soiree with my dad, he was the Designated Driver....yes..such is my social life....After this photo session am sure he was considering putting me up in a mental institution ^_^


Annual Candle Light Virgil and Walk

Candles where lit for all the victims of domestic violence in the city for the year 2012...the numbers went down from last year but will be nice when we as a country get to a point where NO candles have to be lit. 

First Lady of Massachusetts Diane Patrick , wife of current governor of the state, Deval a speech about her own personal struggles with domestic violence during her first marriage. It was a very sad story . I am glad she got out of it and is now with what seems to be an awesome man and future presidential candidate for the democratic party
They had art works and other auction items displayed in an effort to raise funds for the cause

I was glad and impressed to see a lot of young adults + high schoolers attend wearing their school jackets..sports teams jackets...etc...some of the victims where their ages! :(

Some of the victim's stories were displayed on figures such as the one above. They were several scattered across the hall. What really killed me inside was that some of the victims where children :/, probably caught in the middle of a nasty fight ...and others where police offers responding to a 911 call for help. May all their souls rest in peace

Africans In Boston networking Event

Location:Lucy Ethiopian Cafe

The people and ambiance of the cafe was great. It was nice to meet other young professionals from across Africa in the city and make new friends. 

I loved the arts works displayed on the walls and the fact that they had soothing, relaxing African musique such as fela and many others playing in the back ground

The ability to hold meaningful conversations with people who can articulate their thoughts in an intellectual manner is soooooo refreshing....aaah. I've been going through a dry spell with that*

Met a fellow cameroonian
The mug of tea you see in front of me is a traditional Ethiopian tea made of bark spies...THAT madames et monsieurs, was my 2nd cup. 
We thank God for the etiquette classes I took growing up because that was the only thing restraining me from having 10 cups!

If you love ginger, honey, cinnamon scents/tastes in your tea, you will love this drink

You can find Lucy Ethiopian Cafe Menu here

Inspiration of the moment

Stop being so scared. 



Or you'll spend the rest of your life wondering....what if? and that mes amis is a very annoying "feeling"....Forever living in doubt, not knowing how your life may have changed...had you had the courage to GO FOR IT.




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