November 1, 2012

Feeling Tired

Today the universe spoke to me through my free daily bible devotional app for android ...which you can download from android market ^_^

It was exactly what i needed to read to help me get through today. Granted this devotional was meant to be read yesterday - Wednesday,  Oct 31st but for some reason i never got to it and instead ended up reading it today = Thursday. And boy did it come right on time when i was being reigned in by my emotions

Here is the message 

Psalm 69:3 " I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched. My eyes are swollen with weeping, waiting for my God to help me".

 Do you ever feel tired? I mean tired of just trying so hard and yet just moving inches. Maybe you're trying to mend a relationship, advance your career, or just trying to gather yourself emotionally. Despite these valleys in your life, don't give up on hope. This hope is the purposefulness of your tribulations that God has planned to produce the most beautiful story about you. Be patient, strong and trust in HIM. Do not give up

I just felt like sharing this since it helped me today. Happy 1st of November! I can't think of a better or more positive way to step into a new month and season

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