October 31, 2012

The African Yoga Project

As you should all know by now I'm a huge advocate of exercise and healthy living as an avenue of preventive medicine. Even more so in areas of the world where medical care is limited or very expensive. We can do so much to elevate the need for or expenses by taking little every day measures to take care of our health. 

Exercise is one of the free-est forms of preventive medicine out there. 

This is why I love what the Africa Yoga project is doing in Nairobi, Kenya  They are educating communities around Kenya about yoga, offering classes, training teachers and doing many other community service projects . I'm excited to see this project grow and eventually develop branches in other African countries  not just in the east but the north, south and west.

Here are some pictures I got from their Facebook page showcasing what they've been doing so far in Kenya. 

 You can find out more about this organisation from their webpage: http://www.africayogaproject.org/

So what's you're <~~~~~ excuses?
Go put on your shoes and go for a walk/run
Remember, a stitch in time saves 9

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