October 17, 2012

Double Up for Results: Women's Health South Africa

I like the idea of working out with a friend. Not only does it serve as a friendship bonding moment but you also help motivate each other towards your individual fitness goals.....and i my case, i get to catch up on the lastest gossip in town....don't judge me..

For those who say ...i don't have any friends who like working out....you will never know until you ask...Maybe you're friend has recently made a new healthy living resolution without your knowledge  and by inviting them out for a workout session, you are helping them stay on track. On the other hand, just bringing up the topic may be the motivation someone who has been thinking about it, needed to actually get going.

So stop with the excuses, grab a friend and tryout these routines by Women's health SA

1. Medicine Ball Slam Pass
Stand facing each other three to five metres apart, with partner 1 holding a medicine ball overhead, arms straight. Partner 1 braces her core, keeping her arms straight and extended overhead, bends her knees and slams the ball onto the ground at an angle so it reaches partner 2 after one bounce. Partner 2 catches the ball and repeats the move. Continue passing the ball back and forth as fast as possible for one to two minutes

2. High Five Up Down
 Begin in a push-up position, with your heads facing each other, about 30cm apart (A). At the same time, lower onto one forearm, then the other, so you are both in the plank position (B). Reverse to return to start, then clap each other’s right hand (C). That’s one rep. Switch your clapping hand with each rep.

3. Single Leg dead lift with medicine ball
Stand facing each other three to five metres apart, balancing on one foot with the other leg bent, foot behind you; partner 1 holds a medicine ball. At the same time, slowly squat down as far as you can, keeping your chests up. Partner 1 rolls the ball to partner 2, then both stand; partner 2 is now holding the ball. Repeat the move to return the ball to partner 1. That’s one rep. Repeat half the reps on one leg, then perform the remaining reps on the other leg for a complete set.

4. Partner Plank and Single Leg Hip raise
While partner 1 holds a push-up position, partner 2 lies face-up and perpendicular on the floor, placing her right calf on partner 1’s back, left knee bent towards her chest (A). Partner 2 raises her hips off the ground, pauses, then lowers for one rep. Do all reps, then switch legs. Switch positions after each set. If either partner can’t safely maintain a push-up to support her partner, then start in a tabletop position (on hands and knees)

5. Partner Press and Row
Hold the handles of two resistance bands at chest height (partner 1’s hands on either side of her chest, partner 2’s arms straight) and stand facing the same direction, partner 1 in front of partner 2. Move apart until the bands are taut. In one motion, partner 1 steps one leg forward and pushes the handles out, rotating her palms towardsthe floor, while partner 2 rows the handles towards her chest. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Switch positions each set.

6. Partner Squat and Resistance Band
Hold the handles of two resistance bands at chest height (partner 1’s hands on either side of her chest, partner 2’s arms straight) and stand facing the same direction, partner 1 in front of partner 2. Move apart until the bands are taut. In one motion, partner 1 steps one leg forward and pushes the handles out, rotating her palms towardsthe floor, while partner 2 rows the handles towards her chest. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Switch positions each set.

7. Team Burpees
Decide on a number of total reps (aim for 100 to 200). Partner 1 stands with her feet hip-width apart, arms at her sides. She bends her knees and places her hands on the floor in front of her, then kicks her legs backward so she’s in a push-up position. She quickly reverses the movement to return to start. Partner 1 does as many reps as she can. When she can’t do another rep with proper form, partner 2 does the exercise. Continue alternating until you’ve both reached your target number.

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