October 3, 2012

ACSM Action Alert: Funding Cuts Threaten Research

As you all know, I am an exercise physiologist and a registered member of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Therefor sometimes I do talk about ACSM related business ^_^..and this is one of such posts.

I'm going to be doing my part by calling, ARE YOU?


ACSM Member/Advocate:

Included as part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, sequestration would require automatic cuts on federal spending starting on January 2, 2013.  According to a recent report from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), overall funding for non-exempt, non-defense discretionary programs would be cut by 8.2%. 
This means that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be cut by $2.53 billion and the National Science Foundation would be cut by $570 million.

We must work now to ensure that Congress acts before January 2, 2013 to prevent these draconian cuts from taking place in programs that provide such a tremendous benefit to society.  Please take a moment and contact your elected officials and urge them to support federal funding of research programs and to eliminate sequestration.  Click on TAKE ACTION for a sample message you may use to contact your member of Congress.  Please feel free to edit the message to include information as to how sequestration would affect you personally.

Thank you for taking a moment to tell your elected leaders about this urgent funding priority. 

Monte Ward
Vice President, Government Relations
American College of Sports Medicine

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