May 12, 2012

Lights!Camera!Action Take #1 The Sun was in my eyes

Today reminded me of the book, The Stranger by Albert Camus without the murder and fighting scenes. It was uber sunny and i went on a promenade on the Charles river. I even brought along my computer and books in hopes that i may be inspired to work. 

hehehehehe yeah right. work?

 One kiss from the sun and i could not be bothered to be anything but blissfully lazy all day, just like meusault who had a certain sense of je m'emn fou even at the hour of death.

**Picture overload alert***I also finally decided to play around with the settings of my camera. Its a Samsung something...the one with both a front and back screen. These pictures have not been edited and i hope you can get a sense of just how sunny + bright it was

This is what we city folks have to settle for when it come to "beach" like  options

"Everyday is a good day to be ALIVE, whether the sun is shinning or not" _Marty Robbins

This one looks like something you'll see in a post card. Perfect for a phone or computer background
Hey! no copying without crediting me as the source compris? 

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