February 9, 2012

Nigerian Minister Disgraced in New York

I wish as a country, as a people....Cameroonians where as mad* and had the guts of Nigerians...we are more laid back and compliant

The highlight for me was when they started singing the soccer chant "ole ole ole ole"...wtf? LMAO

Then someone starts singing..."We shall over come"

and someone replies " We are not over coming anything today!"

Mon dieu. C'est n'importe quoi!

This Video made my night.

God Save Us


  1. When I first watched this video on Facebook, I had the same thoughts. I wondered whether Cameroonians have the same desire for change like Nigerians. I concluded that we don't. That's why we have been ruled by one man for 28 years. If that was a Cameroonian Minister visiting the Cameroonian community, the room would be full of hand clappers and yes men, despite widespread worries about corruption and bad governance! God save us.

  2. i know its so terrible I feel helpless. How can we educate and tell our young ones about standing up for their rights and YET look at us as a people. WE keep letting it go on and on. Forgodsake the guy changed the constitution so he could stay there till he dies.Why not go out in dignity...whatever is left of that...instead of waiting until it turns into an international political warfare with him being dragged away like his mates
