February 21, 2012

Healthy Apps for your Smart Phones

The office of the U.S.Surgeon General held a competition to identify important health related smart phone applications that would be beneficial to consumers. The categories for these applications included;

Fitness and Physical activity
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Integrative Health

The apps where judged based on;
1. Innovativeness
3. Ability to generate and download personal data
4. Fun and creativity
5. Price = FREE FREE FREE  ^_^
And the winners are....

a. Loseit.com...for FITNESS I'm not surprised it won because as a member of the loseit community, i looooooove this app. It tells you how many calories are in food items from grocery store brands to restaurant menus. Including drinks!  Given that their headquarters is in Boston, I also had the pleasure to attend one of their very first meet ups which i blogged about last year but lost it to Google + along with my other posts since 2009 :(

b. GOOD GUIDE & FOODUCATE....for NUTRITION.I was not familiar with both apps until after the Surgeon General's publication and I can see why they won. They not only address food options but provided info on safer household items.

c.  Healthy Habits for INTERGRATIVE HEALTH. This application is great because it addresses habits outside of the fitness industry. A lot of people think that exercise is the only healthy habit they need to practice. Unfortunately they are many unhealthy habits(smoking, drug use, certain alcohol beverages and etc) outside the gym that are counter productive to all the hard work you put in during your exercises. However, there are also a lot of healthy habits that if followed properly, complement and even in some cases, boost the effects of exercise. This application provides you with these information such as dealing with stress,sleeping habits and etc.

Notable mentions included FIT FRIENDZY, MAP MY FITNESS, MAX PLATE & SHORT SEQUENCE: kids yoga

If you do not  have these apps on your phone, I highly advised you to download them....besides they are FREE-FREE-FREE. What's the worst that can happen? You earn up learning a thing or 2 about living a health-iER life style. And if you do not have a smart phone...check out Virgin Mobile. They have great prices for smart phones and affordable monthly plans as low as $25.00/month

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