October 29, 2011

Snow Tease

Boston weather teasing us with some snow. Oh Lord please let this not be a long winter. I’m already anxious of my winter commute to work seeing as am not use to driving in snow :/

In other cheery news….We are moving to a bigger place!!! YES!!!! FINALLY.SPACE! such a luxury in Boston.

IMG_20111029_004148. I will never take for granted all the empty parking lots and spacious homes and apartments in Georgia with backyards and playgrounds. I’m so excited am spending all night packing. 

My current living situation has nothing to be desired especially when it comes to SPACE.IMG_20111029_004214
The ONLY downsize, which I am definitely willing to compromise on is that my new bathroom is PINK. I'm still trying to mentally accept that this is my new reality. I’m the girl with the pink everything bathroom. What where they thinking?!!!!

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