October 23, 2011

Alliance Against Violence Walk

Tomorrow or better yet later on today since it past midnight...I will be doing a 2 mile-ish walk  for the Melrose Alliance  against Violence organisation. So if you are looking for some community service to do on this fine sunday afternoon, come on out and show some love!

I'll also be working the registration table and etc so stop by and say HI!!!

You can find more information about the walk here but am going to post it below anyways.

St. Mary's Parish supports alternatives to bullying and violence and we are happy to support the Melrose Alliance Against Violence (MAAV) by participating in this event!

Join us on October 23, 2011 for the 16th Annual Melrose Alliance Against Violence (MAAV) Walk!   The walk starts at Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School and registration begins there at 3:30 pm.  For full walk information, please click on the text above that reads "Walk Details."

How you can help:

1.) We are looking for people interested in participating in the team, as well as people interested in the organizing & student leadership committees. Are you interested in walking, organizing, outreach or fundraising? Please contact us at info@stmarysparishteam.org for more information and to become involved! 

2.) Support us by donating online!  Please visit our firstgiving fundraising page at the following link:

3.) Let us know if there are individuals or groups you would like us to reach out to! We are especially interested in reaching students from Catholic High Schools who may like to participate, but may not have programming from MAAV currently available in their schools.  If you are a student and you are interested in becoming involved or if you know of students who may be interested, please let us know.

4.) Please contact us with questions or suggestions for this team effort.

We are happy to leverage Catholic social justice teachings in support of alternatives to bullying and violence and in support of MAAV's work and this annual walk! 

Alternatives to bullying and violence can include compassion, empathy and understanding - approaches emphasized in Catholic teachings.

To learn more about Catholic social justice teachings, please visit the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at

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